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 Final Destination (2000) DVDRip XviD-ZK

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Tổng số bài gửi : 164
Join date : 2011-11-05
Age : 32
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Final Destination (2000) DVDRip XviD-ZK Empty
PostSubject: Final Destination (2000) DVDRip XviD-ZK   Final Destination (2000) DVDRip XviD-ZK EmptyWed Nov 30, 2011 2:02 am

Final Destination (2000) DVDRip XviD-ZK 3c19406e7d
Final Destination (2000) DVDRip XviD-ZK.avi

[TITLE].........................[ Final Destination
[DIRECTOR]......................[ James Wong
[RELEASE DATE]..................[ 17 March 2000 (USA)
[FORMAT]:.......................[ (AVI)
[GENRE]:........................[ Horror
[NO OF CDs].....................[ 1
[FILE SIZE]:....................[ 650MB
[RESOLUTION]:...................[ 1280x720
[LANGUAGE ]:....................[ English
[SUBTITLES]:....................[ English [Softcoded] - muxed
[ORIGINAL RUNTIME]:.............[ 01:38:01
[RELEASE RUNTIME]:..............[ 01:38:01


Alex is boarding his plane to France on a school trip, when he suddenly gets a premonition that the plane will explode. When Alex and a group of students are thrown off the plane, to their horror, the plane does in fact explode. Alex must now work out Death's plan, as each of the surviving students falls victim. Whilst preventing the worst from happening, Alex must also dodge the FBI, which believes Alex caused the explosion.
Final Destination (2000) DVDRip XviD-ZK 0ba82c0678
Final Destination (2000) DVDRip XviD-ZK Fca6366f55
Final Destination (2000) DVDRip XviD-ZK 40d43e4ab0
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